Full name: Felix Luca King
Birthplace: An alternate universe somewhere far away!

Role in project:
Voice acting for Revon, The Magician

Personal thoughts:
Hi! I’m Felix- but probably Revon to you, figuratively speaking!

I’m a writer, illustrator, and musician, but those things are mostly avenues to tell stories for me (I’m also a reformed theatre kid and casual LARPer, so I love a bit of theatrics, predictably). Working on a project where that passion is at the forefront and a theme is a fulfilling experience, and the work everyone is putting in to bring it to life is admirable. Creating, telling stories is one of the most human things we do!

It’s nice to work with a character who I can relate to in terms of identity, and, as an aspec person with an extroverted, slightly gregarious tendency, experience, too. Mika mentioned expecting to be cast as the twink elf- well, that’ll be my ideal role, haha! Coincidentally I’ve been encouraged further into a butch female role previously, or I’ve been pushed square peg round hole as many queer people have into the closest possible approximation of the way I’m assumed to want to sound.

I’m excited for Revon’s arc – They’re a real joy to act- I hope to build upon their wonderful writing and bring something beneficial to it.