Title: The leader of the Razorclaw Wolf Tribe
Estimated Age: “I dunno maaaan”
Race: Wolf
Length: 6 ft 8 (2,10m)
Likes: Family, Friends, Relaxing,
Dislikes: Vibe killers, Worriers, those who hurt his friends/family
Combat specs:
He is a toned block of muscle that fights with reckless abandon and likes throwing grown men around like they are made of cardboard. Wrestling, Clawing and Punching are his specialties.
Raised in a tribe of rowdy wolfmen that live in harmony with nature, Brother Broken Claw was always aware and respectful of his surroundings ever since he was a pup. Raised to be protective of both his kin and the lands he inhabited, he always knew right from wrong well and was quite happy being a part of this close knit insular community.

He was however, not much of a learner… He was the kind that would rather try to see if a tree would break in half if he bumped his head into it, as opposed to listening to a warning about that very subject given by an elder. Rambunctuous and adventurous were the keywords for this character. Often he would be told not to do things, because it would be dangerous, but he would be so tempted by the adventure aspect that he would dive in head first anyway.
However, as the years progressed, Brother Broken Claw would often be on the front lines to defend his tribe with his life if need be. And at one special moment, saved the daughter of the tribe elder from certain death from human hunters, showing exceptional bravery and heart for the cause. This made him a beloved member of the tribe and naturally placed him into the position of new tribe leader when the time arose.
As opposed to his predecessors though, Brother Broken Claw was not against the idea of inviting ‘strangers’ into the lands of the Razorclaw to strengthen the bonds with the outside world. He would often openly approach humans, Elves, Orcs, Unaheh, Molefoxes and other creatures with the idea of wanting to expand the scope of his beloved tribe. Always wanting to believe that there are more good creatures out there who share the same values he has. However, this idealism has got him in trouble on multiple occasions, because unfortunately, not all creatures have pure intentions.
He wears simple torn clothes, based on human designs that he fashioned from natural materials. It’s all practical and protects him against the elements besides his fur. When our heroes find Brother Broken Claw in the story of Bane Of The Talebearer, he got himself in trouble once again, but this time it seems he might have gotten himself in too deep. Fortunately, his little sister (A certain elf girl) is there to rescue him…
“I don’t do plans maaaaan. Anyone wants to hurt me? Sure, they can try. I’ll probably enjoy the challenge!
But you hurt my family… I will chase you to the end of the world. Nobody hurts my family & lives to tell the tale!“
Brother Broken Claw is not yet voiced by anyone in this project (YET)