Arán - The Healer


Title: The Prince
Estimated Age: 24
Race: Orc
Length: 5 ft 2 (1,59m)
Likes: Science, Books, Potion making, Taking care of others
Dislikes: Confrontation, Fighting, Bluntness

Combat specs:
Advanced swordmanship

Arán is a soft-spoken, kind and caring young man, who loves to learn about healing magic and travels the world by himself carrying a big backpack full of supplies. He has a small build and seems almost dangerously thin, which has to do with a rare blood disease he carries with him that stunted his growth. This disease also makes him naturally vulnerable to illnesses. He keeps himself healthy by making potions and taking those on a daily basis.

He is an Orc boy that carries a fair light green/brownish complexion. He hails from the Orc kingdom of Ar-En-Gol though he stands out there, as most orcs are bigger and stronger than he ever will be. In response to this weak disposition and lack of muscular prowess, he decided to focus his attention on healing magic and has become quite a scholar in this field. This way he could both heal himself and the world around him.

His outfit comprises of a practical brown plain looking tunic, trousers and a bagpack that holds his bottles, flasks and other requirements for potion making. He carries an old broadsword with him that has a special meaning to him, which is revealed during the story. The sword is old and rusty (as it was used decoratively for years) but serves as primary protection against enemies, though he prefers not to use it and let the other party members do the fighting while he heals from the back row.

Arán tries to keep the harmony between people intact and very much tries to be the bridgebuilder in his communication and way of living. He hates conflict and prefers to see harmony around him. This does not mean he doesn’t fend for himself however, as he will speak up against injustice or unjust behaviour if he sees people commit those acts. Arán has fears and those sometimes get the best of him, but he never backs down. He might be terrified, but he is not going to run away from his problems.

“In a world dominated by darkness and despair, I can at least try to bring hope and light myself. The moment they take your hope from you, they have won”

Aran is voiced in this project by Mika Marbles